Wednesday, July 26, 2006

No Excuses!!!!

Well, what to say? I have been delinquent in my duties...

I just can't expain, other than a major life change over the last few months...

So, on with the show...

Been thinking about LOVE (and, no, that's not the reason I dropped off!)...

Specifically, someone recently asked me who was the person I love most in the to answer that?

Love, as well as any human emotion/activity/element, seems to be relative to the moment in time and space in which it occurs. Therefore, a question like the one posed to me has no proper answer as it is not properly asked...more correctly, it would have been posed with more specification- who do you love most right NOW? or Last year? or when you were 10? or whenever/whatever.

I've had wives (yes, plural) and girlfriends, children (yes, plural again), and, of course, parents and siblings. I can honestly say that at one time or another I have loved each of them more then anyone else...but how to compare? Did I truly love wife #2 more than wife #1, or was it a comparison made between a current flame and one viewed through a dark lens of emotional scars?

What about when wife #2 went the way of wife #1 and emotional scarring occured to distort the remembered emotions?

Perhaps the answer can only be as temporary as the question- who do I love most must actually be who do I love most RIGHT NOW? Therefore, the answer is I love so-and-so RIGHT NOW more than anyone else.

Then again, there is always the old stand-by "I love my self more than anyone else!" But how useful is that? And how accurate?


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