Friday, April 28, 2006

Figured Out the Links!

Man, I'm feeling like a regular Blogger now! I just worked out the coding thing to set up some of my favorite links. I know this might not seem like much to you (and by "you" I mean the imaginary voices in my head since no one but me is reading this Blog), but this is a big deal. I am truly an 18th century guy trapped in the 21st century! This whole technology thing just plain has me stumped.

Anyway, these are "some of my favorite things" as the saying goes, or, in English- sites where I hang out a lot. Human evolution, soccer, and teaching English as a Second Language represent my current career in academics, my favorite pastime, and my most probable future career after I leave academia due to shortage of funding.

If you are actually reading this and have some suggestions for other good sites, leave a link in comments, I'm always looking for something new and interesting.

I'm thinking of trying to set up an online account for photos sometime next week to post images here, but after the rush I got figuring out the links thing I'm afraid of over-stressing myself too much. Then, who knows, I might even go so far as getting a digital camara to actually GENERATE my own photos. Whoa there fella, slow down! Let's not get all giddy here!



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