Saturday, August 12, 2006

BBC NEWS | Americas | Bush links Hezbollah and 'plot'

BBC NEWS | Americas | Bush links Hezbollah and 'plot'

Alright, I gotta say I'm about tired of all this "linking" going on...

First of, let me say I'm torn 'bout the whole Middle East problem going on now (the Israeli one, not the US one- that's a whole 'nother post)...I believe that Israel, as the oldest, and still, only real democracy in the Middle East, needs to defend itself...but Lebanon is trying, it's just those damn Iranian and Syrian backed groups mucking it all up...

Anyway, back to my point: this whole "linking" practice carried on by this government of ours is just getting annoying! This BBC article indicates that G.W. says the Hezbollah guys and the Queda suspects in UK "share a 'totalitarian ideology'!" Does he even know the defintion of totalitarian?

He also links these groups to insurgents in Iraq and Afghanistan! As if to suggest that if you have dark skin and hair and are oppossed to the US you MUST all be in cahoots!

Come on! This is getting ridiculous!! Are Americans too stupid to understand the subtlties of the different groups and ideologies, or is it that all Muslims are extremists and are clearly appropriately grouped togther? I guess I'm just too stupid to understand...

But, then again, I never voted for a Bush...


Blogger Fool Ishy said...

Actually, this isn't quite true...not even all the members of al'Queda are Arabs! You have Kurds, Persians, Turks, Malaysians, Afghans, Pakistanis, English, Canadians, and Americans, just to name a few.

That's the problem, we tend to paint with an awfully broad brush, and care little about the consequences...

7:59 PM  

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