Friday, April 28, 2006

I'm in the Wrong Damn Country!

I think I'm in love! I was just playing around with this whole new Blogger thing and came across this blog:

Check it out! Admitedly its new with only 2 posts (as of now), but my God, she is a woman after my own heart. If the women of Australia are generally like this I have GOT TO GO THERE! If she had mentioned anything about soccer, rugby, or Aussie Rules Football I think I would have proposed- I'm always on the prowl for the next ex-wife.

It's truly amazing what catches our attention, we human beings. Makes me glad to be alive. I think I'll head down to the local watering hole now for a beer, a burger, and some utterly devastating rejection from the local ladies that have just enough self-worth and dignity not to be caught dead talking to an Inane and Absurd Blogger.

Edit: What an idiot I am! I was so damned excited by this blog I never bothered to look at the dates! Almost 2 years old! Damn. Did I mention I was shitty at this whole technology thing. Anyway, my sentiment was still honest. Once again the always ephemeral "Perfect Mrs. The Blogger Formerly Known as Mike" has slipped through my fingers. Ahh, the humanity of it all!


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