Friday, November 10, 2006

Dick's gets naming rights for Rapids stadium

Dick's gets naming rights for Rapids stadium - The Denver Business Journal:

Ok, ok, it's about time to break my silence again. Come on, can they be serious? Dick's Stadium!?!?!

Did anyone even think this through? Even the people at Dick's? Why do they want a stadium named after themselves, anyway? I know the whole business model/sense thing about advertizing and marketing, but there must have been a better idea there.

And what about Major League Soccer? Is this the way to establish legitimacy in the US sporting world? Yes Dick's is a big retail sporting goods chain, but really? Do we need a Dick's Stadium? Did they necessarily need to sell the naming rights to the highest bidder? Why not use a little discretion?

Imagine the ironic fun that could be had if all sporting entities followed the lack of discretion/sell to the highest bidder model: the Yankees could ingeniously outbid all others for the naming rights to the new Red Soxs' stadium in Boston- "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the new home of your Boston Red Soxs- Yankee Stadium!!!!!!!"


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